Avalon Sunrise


The Land and Everything Green Growing is speaking a Sacred Language of beauty to our Souls.

It’s Early and still dark outside, I hear my Spanish sisters stirring in the other room, and they are awake. Its time! I dress quickly, and with in minutes we are headed out the door.

There is a waning crescent Moon in the Eastern sky, a priestess moon. The morning is silent and as we begin to walk we fall into a kind of shared rhythm, of footsteps and silence, we can see the mists rising, in the town below and out on the planes.

The journey there, routed in our souls, we move quickly and in anticipation of what the dawn may have in store for us.

Across the fairy knoll with a view of the Tor in the distance, thru the small forest, along the lanes that make their way to the foot of the Tor, slowly it is getting lighter. My head begins to clear, from the walking and breathing, slowly, something is starting to soar inside me again.

As we get close to the base of the sacred mysterious hill that is the Tor, we begin to internally collect our thoughts and set our intentions. This is Berta & Inmas last day, and the third time they have done this walk, the first being at sunrise a few days ago when they first arrived.

And in this way we have pilgrimaged together, and there is a sacredness in this, that bonds us, in beauty and the land.

As we continue up the Tor, the rolling mist below, make a nice blanket across the land. There is a softness to the morning, and the rising sun is casting beautiful rays of light thru the veils. At the Top we take in the views, sit together and sing. There is this deep beauty in just knowing we belong to the heart of this place.

Posted on May 8, 2024 .