“The Mother Goddess, wherever she is found, is an image that inspires and focuses a perception of the universe as an organic, alive and sacred whole, in which humanity, the Earth and all life on Earth participate as ‘her children”

 from The Myth of the Goddess, Anne Baring & Jules Cashford

I am in the process of unveiling new images, from my new Series…

“Root Mothers”

re-imagining the Goddesses of Egypt and African Mother Queens.

Here are the first 4 images in the series.

If you want to order one or more of the Root Mother Queens individually, message me and we will work out the details.

Currently in my store, I am selling these as a set.

 Special Order - Protectress Sekhmet Prints


If you have any additional questions

before ordering please feel free to call or email me:

Email: artistshelleysophia@gmail.com

Phone: 971-425-7875