"Heart Healing" and "Relationship Alchemy" is a theme I really enjoy working with, I would like to share with you a series of explorations on how to make subtle yet powerful shifts in our "Assemblage Point of Love."
Tristan & Isolde ~ Heart Healing and our Return to Love
To be vulnerably broken open to love is a great gift, a precious thread that can lead us to our own deeper opening to self love, and a resilience of heart, to live this remembrance is to discover that we are not separate from the Source of Love.
Chrysalis of Relationship
This came thru yesterday, not sure if my writing does the realization justice, as it came more through in impressions and feelings and a big AHA!
"Every relationship has its own energetic chrysalis, that forms around two beings, as their energies meet. It is a kind of - energy womb - that supports both beings growth, into their next stages of evolution. It is the energy signature container beyond our psychical and mental perception."
Mature Masculine Consciousness
With clear intention he works to harmonize his energy with the women in his life in a protective, nourishing hologram that supports and upholds the sacredness of all life. Living in conscious relationship, He is forging a path of love from the perspective of co-creative union.
THIS WAY OF LIVING IN LOVE WILL GROW US, supporting the emergence of Sovereignty Consciousness on the planet, and a new codex for Sacred Relationship.
The Emergence of Our Soul Pillars
The Sacred Earth Circle becomes a vehicle for vibrating every ones journey closer to the home of our own direct experience of EDEN on Earth… Holding sacred space for each other the circle reflects more of our aspects and allows us to grow more quickly, harmonizing and balancing the collective vehicle or soul group.
Love Medicine
Love Medicine....meaning a circle of intimacy that flows both ways...I am drinking you as you are drinking me... in, to be transformed whole in the heart of wholeness...there is no other way....just dive!
Opening the Rose of Womb Heart Awareness
When we have reverence for the sacred in our sexuality, we have reverence for life, this reverence naturally embodies in the way we make love and conceive, whether we are conceiving a child, a creative project or a prayer. Our creations can become more and more filled with our heart felt, love filled, intent!
Loving on a Path of Heart, "WOMB HEART CONSCIOUSNESS" Part 2
This kind of bonding establishes the foundation for sacred relationships, healthy families, healthy communities and healthy future generations. So love deeply each other! Respect, more deeply than you ever have the potent amazing potential that resides in the sacred space of your love making.
Nourishing Love Relationships
If you find yourself struggling in relationship, or challenged to even find partnership that is truly nourishing. I encourage you not to give up, but to explore ever deeper the doors that lead to deeper intimacy, connection and ultimately evolution.