“I had to create a world of my own, like a climate, a country, an atmosphere in which I could breathe, reign, and recreate myself when destroyed by living. That, I believe, is the reason for every work of art.” ~Anaïs Nin
I love great mountains, vistas from Volcanoes, rivers, oceans, and secret fresh water springs, I love flowers and trees and consorting with fairies. I prefer high places with good views, but have been found wandering along rivers in distant countries, exploring ancient Temple Sites, in the Mediterranean Sea, and walking the Dragon lines in Great Britain.
I follow the Mystery, but have neither studied in a Mystery School, (this life time) nor am I starting one. I believe there are timeless Pathways to unravel and be made whole again. I believe souls remember each other and that the past can be healed with love, and that what that looks and feels like is unique to each person.
The Earth, shaped me.
As a child I lived on a commune in the mountains of California, where I grew up under oaks, with vistas and views and bubbling creeks. My Mom herded the community’s large goat herd, and most days I accompanied her into the mountains with the goats.
Nature was my playground and my solace.
I went to a rebellious “alternative” high school, in Portland Oregon, where I trained in Art Therapy and how to be a Free Spirit. I used to make a living painting faces at the Portland Saturday Market.
Art saved Me!
In the years following high school, I studied contact improv, and belly dance, African dance, and I found creative ways to teach children art. Later I moved to a yoga commune, in the mountains of Santa Cruz and then took off with a boyfriend to backpack and work on farms in Europe.
Adventure expanded me.
Living humbled me.
I spent the best part of my late twenties sleeping out under the stars wrapped in my husbands arms. Before cell phones and the internet. Eventually we bought a Tipi, convert a school bus and continued to wander like Gypsyies. In my 30’s we divorced amicablly, and I stayed and lived on Maui for many years.
Reflection on Relationship
I have known heart ache and heart break, and the depth of meeting Love.
I 've had great sex and disappointing sex. I have had sex with love and sex without love, and mixed up the two, and grown wiser from the confusions.
I like to explore themes of Heart Healing, Sacred Relationship and Divine Union and the balance of Masculine and Feminine in my art & writings. Depicting harmony has always been of great interest to me. I have explored some pretty far out ideas about “Soul Mates” and “Twin Flames” and lived thru a few relationships, that ripped me apart and remade me. So I have a few things to say about Love, which I explore in different ways thru, my various collage series, which can be found in my Online Store, Shelley’s Art Boutique. And many of my Blog Writings which are featured this month.
About my Art
In a world of polarizing view points, and of quick visual “fixs”, I try to give you glimpses into something that leads us back to nature, and appreciation of beauty, the mythic and the wild feminine soul. Sometimes I just create things that are wild and imaginative! Allowing the layering of images to bring us into the heart of something, newly shaped, and open to interpretation.
Sometimes I feel hopeless and sometimes hope filled. Sometimes inspired and sometimes tired.
There is no point to this post except to share a bit of me… here now... digitally.
Someday when I am ripe and ancient, I hope to resemble an ancient oak tree, with wide comforting branches to lean into and ponder reality, with ample cover and potent roots, so you can draw comfort and wisdom just from standing near me.
But that’s a ways out… I can feel I am still just beginning to grow into myself,
right now I am planning more nights under the stars and by the fire, and deep drinks from fresh springs and dances in ancient temples. I hear old hills and stone circles in distant lands calling me.
Also I am dreaming of painting, and weaving and felting and making mixed media art. I am starting to gravitate towards the tangible and textured in my art,
although currently, i am primarily shaping visions in Photoshop making something I call Digital Alchemy Art.
I create to inspire and to heal, and to convey codes and moods and archetypes, and to tease out what has been veiled and give it more breath, while at the same time, I am discovering also I feel to leave somethings veiled. In this way, I continue to find my own unique relationship to the mysteries, which I believe is every-ones birth right.
In closeing
Sunrise and Sunset, woman, man, in breath out breath, all remains the Mystery.
Love & Blessings
Shelley Sophia Crawford -
copyright 2025
This Blog can also be found on my Substack - at Musings of a Rose Indigo Artist