Earth Woman

embodying the energies of Earth Medicine Keeper Woman

Digital Alchemy Collage by Artist Shelley Sophia Crawford

Earth Woman

She whom hums with the Planetary Mother herself,

Whose essence is embroidered with the mythic energies of earth

She who is keeper, of the medicine of Mountains,

Valleys, Forests, & vast Deserts and all wild places

She who grounds and guides

those seeking communion with the natural world

She who is Protectress of that which is precious

and vulnerable in nature,

all the delicate intricacies of the natural world are her domain.

She can tap into the webs of Mycelium and the Dragon currents of the land.

She is the one whom cares for that which sustains

She is one who gives and receives in circles of reciprocity

embracing the cycles of life and death as part of the natural order.

You will find her in the wild untamed places of your own Soul…and the secret sacred places of Earth..

When you sit with-in the Council of Earth Woman, you will be deeply nourished by a wisdom that is as deep and ancient as Earth herself.

Are you ready to begin your Journey with her and the Sisters of the Rose Wild Divine Mysterium?

Stay tuned as these guiding archetypes continue to reveal themselves to us…

Love Shelley

My Newly released Earth Woman Print can be purchased in my online shop here:

Copy Right, All Rights Reserved 2024, Artist Shelley Sophia Crawford

Posted on December 2, 2024 and filed under Art & Design by Shelley, Mysteriums.