She nudges us, in her cloak of royal blue ~ he is laughing at the Fire too.....
I know it's strange but this is the way things are ~ life is a circle with out separation
Where ever she walks the roses are thought god came through jesus ~
but I tell you god was already here ~ Living as all things ~ She knows this and thats why she could make love to god ~ and complete the circle
when you wake up ~ in the darkness of winter ~ light a candle and pray to remember ~ she will come in all her holy forms
Mother of all that is
calling through silence across the great distance between our hearts
when we are broken open in the eye of all that is
and all that is left is the pain
of knowing everything, all the way back to the beginning of time
the path grows clearer
you cannot reach me here in this place that is the forever beauty of our one soul
to find me you must take off your clothes and walk forward into the sacred fire naked and alone
I'm not calling you names I am crying for you to come home.......if you could see me with out
the judgment you have towards yourself ~ you would see
We are the Light of the World
the Womb of all Creation
~ there is no one else
I am the Gate and the Gate Keeper
welcome home pilgrim
the angels are laughing
Poem By Shelley Sophia Crawford 2011