Venus Aphrodite Temple - Altar Cards & Prints


Venus Aphrodite Temple - Altar Cards & Prints

from $11.00

The Venus Aphrodite - Living Rose Temple

A Digital Alchemy Collage by Artist Shelley Sophia Crawford

Description: In the Venus Aphrodite Temple we remember the Path of Love again, we are reunited with what has been lost and upgraded to a beautiful vision for our future.

Venus Aphrodite invites us to take refuge, to feel our emotions again, to embrace, our longing, and to embrace beauty, poetry, art, music, dance and the sacred oils.

She is a wide open invitation to awaken our senses to the phenomenal world we live in. She reminds us we are Children of Gaia, and living reflections of the Divine.

In her Temple, the simple, the sacred & profound intelligence of our erotic existence is celebrated once again.

We begin to live our lives as Soul Art, Dreaming, Invocation, Beauty and Sanctity. In Her Temple… all is sacred and made new again thru the arts of love and the sensuous appreciation of Beauty.

and as we do so... we purify the "Womb Heart" and open to the bounty of the Living Rose.

Affirmation: I see beauty all around me and live from this place, my life is a Living Temple to Aphrodite, I embody the Bounty of the Living Rose.

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