Lovers Gate - Altar Cards & Prints

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Lovers Gate_2025-Write Up.png
Lovers Gate 2025_6x8inchj.png
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Lovers Gate_2025-Write Up.png

Lovers Gate - Altar Cards & Prints


a digital alchemy collage by Artist Shelley Sophia Crawford

Lovers Gate, invites you to stand in the vibration of pure heart consciousness, it invokes the codes of Chivalry and the lessons of the High Heart.

It reminds us that to stand with a beloved and embrace, is to weave a portal between heaven and earth.

This image invites us to honor our feelings and to keep opening to love even when we feel heart broken, disappointed or betrayed by love.

Place this Card on your altar and begin again to invite deep heart -full Soul Love into your life. This sacred image represents sacred union within ones self, or the calling in of a soul mate or lover. Let the gate be a portal to a great unfolding of the “Sacred Rose Womb Heart” awareness with-in YOU.

Breathe and become the heart vibration, you seek. Trust what arises for you. And then let the geometries of do their work. You are Already so Loved.

Affirmation: I am the Love that I seek.

This image comes in these Print Styles:

  • 6×8” Laminated Altar Card

  • 6×8” Laser Print (for matting)

  • 8×8 “ Laminated Altar Card - Square

  • 8×8” Laser Print (for matting) - Square

*Card or Print comes with this description/write up on the back

Print Styles:
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