with Shelley Sophia Crawford
In this year long online course you will learn:
the fundamental concepts of the Celtic Wheel
to harmonize with the Seasons, creating personal ritual
about the Equinoxes and Solstices
about the cross quarter holy days of the Celtic Wheel
about the connections between the Wheel and working with Ceremonial Ancient Sites
Course begins
Spring Equinox 2022
and concludes with Spring Equinox 2023
You are invited to join me in this exploration
of life lived in accordance with Sacred Time Keeping.
Do seriously long to learn and practice the art of Ceremony?
Do you have a calling to navigate your journey through the year, with a different perspective from the Gregorian Calendar system.
Is doing things differently stirring in your bones.
Do you feel your ancestors calling from across the veil?
Are you ready to return to a life dedicated to harmonizing with the Earth, Sun, Moon and the Sacred Elements?
Would you like to learn more about the Guardians of Sacred Time and Space?
I have been practicing keeping time with the rhythms of the Sacred Wheel of the year since High School, in recent years I have started to explore in more depth what this means to me, and how to use the Holy Days of the Wheel as a map to navigate through my year, in a harmonious way, support by ceremony and observance of the Seasons.
My intention is to also support your own cultivation of this relationship with the Wheel.
Together we will embark on a year long contemplative practice in honoring the ceremonial year, honoring the cycles of life and learning to be better stewards of Earth, making conscious thru practice and ceremony our relationship with the cycles of time.
In this course we will be following
the Rhythms of Keeping time
And Honoring the Sanctity of lifes cycles using
the Celtic Sacred Wheel,
as our foundation.
The Wheel will be our frame work, for collective and personal ceremony through out the year.
The Course Content will be offered in 8 Units
based on the 8 Holy Days of the Celtic Wheel
Samhain ~ (Celtic New year)
Winter Solstice
Spring Equinox
Summer Solstice
Fall Equinox
In this Course we will explore the themes of each Holy Day along the wheel, learning and discovering the symbols, elements, myths, rituals and seasonal attributes of each point on the wheel.
We will also explore the archetypal deities associated with each holy day,
as well as learn about the connections between the Wheel and working with Ceremonial Ancient Sites where observation of the Sacred Days has been honored for thousands of Years.
I will be offering learning materials for you to engage at your own pace at each point along the wheel, including:
historic info about the holy days
related myths and info
guided audio meditations
related writings & insights
suggested devotion practices
ceremony guidelines
The Course materials will be presented:
Via 8 Live Zoom Circles (on the new moons closest to each Holy Day),
You will also receive in your email Inbox each month, beautifully crafted emails that will include
downloadable info pdfs
audio Meditations
Music Play lists
Inspiring Graphics
other learning resources